User Research, Design Strategy, Lead
Healthcare Portal, Sogeti Consultant
September 2015 - November 2015
This healthcare company's existing portal, while functional, consistently received poor customer satisfaction scores. To better understand why, I put together a user research roadmap. With the help of two other Sogeti UX consultants, through interviews and collaborative workshops, we performed a full Heuristic (or Usability) Evaluation, established key Proto-Personas, and constructed a full Customer Journey Map providing key information to the Product Ownership to make strategic product decisions.
Persona Development
Conducting a proto-persona workshop with the stakeholders created executive alignment around the unique users’ goals and behaviors which were then validated through customer interviews and competitive analysis.
Process Diagrams
Through our research, a key problem area emerged; there is a tremendous amount of back and forth hand-offs between various silos of the organization. To build this awareness with the stakeholders, we documented this process using multiple swim lane flow charts representing the key tasks users encounter.
Heuristic Evaluation
With three usability focused consultants, we performed a comprehensive heuristic evaluation identifying 200+ issues across the Neilson Normal Group's 10 General Principles. Categorized by Functionality, Efficiency, and Aesthetic gave the stakeholders clear understanding about how to focus their future development efforts.
Customer Journey Mapping
A 2-day workshop started with presenting all the research efforts done thus far, and collaboratively mapping what a user was doing, thinking, and feeling as they engaged with the organization. This was synthesized to include opportunities for improvement and how that would impact the user’s emotional state.