Interaction Design & Information Architecture - Airline Pilots

Mobile App for expense reporting & web administration portal, Sogeti Consultant
July 2015 - August 2015

This association's expense reporting system was entirely on paper requiring pilots traveling all over the world to mail in their receipts and paperwork. As part of their new Pilot Concierge mobile application, they wanted to digitize this process letting pilots compose, attach, and send their expenses entirely through the application and create a desktop portal for their accounting team to approve, deny, or escalate these expenses.


Process Flow Diagram

The first step in digitizing a manual process with complex business rules is to document and simplify the process. This artifact was presented to the Secretary Treasurer for approval. Pleased with our direction, we could move forward with the design phase.


Screen Flow Diagram

The power of mobile applications lie in their ability to offer sophisticated transitions, using animation and position to further enhance their usability. To track the complexity of potential interaction, I created a Screen Flow Diagram for our developers to understand the relationship between screens.


Low Fidelity Wireframes

Because this mobile application and desktop site would be built using defined templates, low fidelity mock-ups provided a lean way to communicate ideas and also gave flexibility to the developers as they tried working with new tools and old technology.


Mid Fidelity Wireframes

These higher fidelity wireframes provided context for the developers to understand the visual direction I was trying to achieve, despite the limited flexibility of the existing application.